So. I found an internship for the summer at DETAIL Magazine, in Munich, Germany.
I am beyond excited, but also a little scared..
In case you didn't know, Germans are said to be... how should I say this... umm...
freakin' RACIST!
And considering the fact that I do not have blue eyes, or blonde hair, I think I have a right to be a little scared.
I also do not know ANY German. I mean, sure, I know "gazuntheit" or however the F you spell it, but I doubt that "bless you" will get me very far when some white guy is trying to put me in some camp because I don't look the same way he does.
Alright. So maybe they're not THAT racist, and I'm exaggerating a bit, and all that....
Anyway. So it should be amazing to work at a magazine.
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