Monday, February 18, 2008

Dirty Geometry & Dirty Writing

It's really frustrating when you can't understand what you're reading.. especially when the person who wrote it probably didn't learn english as their first language, and yet is using HUMONGOUS words that don't make any sense strung together the way they are.

It's different when that person is speaking to you - at least then you can sort of figure out what is going on by seeing their body language, using context, knowing background from previous conversations - but when you're just reading what is written it really is quite irritating.

For example:

I have to read a piece titled "Dirty Geometry" for a class I'm in regarding architecture and geometry....

Aside from the fact that the grammar, and all the plurals and the connecting words are all mixed up making the piece difficult to read, some of the vocabulary used is being utilized in ways I have not heard before making me question the meanings of the words themselves. In a way I suppose it's good because in these circumstances one is forced to really close-read the piece presented. However, if you do click on the link and read even the begining intro paragraph, you will notice that the writer teaches at Colombia University.

This affiliation makes me wonder about my desire to attend that school at any point in the future, and frankly, just plain pisses me off that a prestigious school such as Colombia who no doubt hires only the best of the best professors still does not emphasize that people should have their work EDITED. ALWAYS.


a list of words that I had to look up.

Thanks At least YOU'RE always there for me.

(currently listening to

CALIBRATE determine, check, or rectify the graduation of (any instrument giving quantitative measurements). divide or mark with gradations, graduations, or other indexes of degree, quantity, etc., as on a thermometer, measuring cup, or the like. determine the correct range for (an artillery gun, mortar, etc.) by observing where the fired projectile hits. plan or devise (something) carefully so as to have a precise use, application, appeal, etc.: a sales strategy calibrated to rich investors.

adverbto the degree or extent that; "insofar as it can be ascertained, the horse lung is comparable to that of man"; "so far as it is reasonably practical he should practice restraint"

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