Monday, February 18, 2008


...Or is it just in a coma while its spirit remains to intertwine with all other genres of music existing today?

As someone who has experienced music from the 80's 90's and the new millenium, if you asked me how I felt about hip hop today vs. from "back in the day" I would definitely tell you that I miss A Tribe Called Quest , Salt-n-Pepa, and Queen Latifah...

HOWEVER. This doesn't mean I don't appreciate newer rappers/ hip-hoppers.. But it's hard to say that someone is only a "rapper" or a hip-hop artist, because music genres today have been intermixing with each other creating more Melatos than ever before.

If hip hop is dead, what do you call the music that Kanye West is making? Lupe Fiasco? Common?

If we are not calling the music these artists create "hip hop" then we have to analyze what exactly it is they are creating and give it a genre..

So we've got this new thing where rap artists pair up with rock / alternative groups and create some fabulous new combination of both types of music.

You have Jay-Z with Linkin Park, Jay-Z in the Gray Album with The Beatles, Kanye West and Adam Levine of Maroon 5, Timbaland with various non-hip-hop artists on his Shock Value CD, Lupe Fiasco with Matthew Santos, and the list goes on...

Clearly, this is not your typical hip hop.

Let's start with Jay-Z & Linkin Park.

"Collision Course"

They obviously know that what they're producing is new and revolutionary. Often deemed as "mash-ups" I don't think this term gives enough respect to what is actually being creative.

I advocate that we call these new combos "hip-rock"

The name is simple, yet explanatory. Just as hip-hop stems from what the dance-patterns were while listening to this type of music, hip-rock does just the same, simply and succinctly.

Dirty Geometry & Dirty Writing

It's really frustrating when you can't understand what you're reading.. especially when the person who wrote it probably didn't learn english as their first language, and yet is using HUMONGOUS words that don't make any sense strung together the way they are.

It's different when that person is speaking to you - at least then you can sort of figure out what is going on by seeing their body language, using context, knowing background from previous conversations - but when you're just reading what is written it really is quite irritating.

For example:

I have to read a piece titled "Dirty Geometry" for a class I'm in regarding architecture and geometry....

Aside from the fact that the grammar, and all the plurals and the connecting words are all mixed up making the piece difficult to read, some of the vocabulary used is being utilized in ways I have not heard before making me question the meanings of the words themselves. In a way I suppose it's good because in these circumstances one is forced to really close-read the piece presented. However, if you do click on the link and read even the begining intro paragraph, you will notice that the writer teaches at Colombia University.

This affiliation makes me wonder about my desire to attend that school at any point in the future, and frankly, just plain pisses me off that a prestigious school such as Colombia who no doubt hires only the best of the best professors still does not emphasize that people should have their work EDITED. ALWAYS.


a list of words that I had to look up.

Thanks At least YOU'RE always there for me.

(currently listening to

CALIBRATE determine, check, or rectify the graduation of (any instrument giving quantitative measurements). divide or mark with gradations, graduations, or other indexes of degree, quantity, etc., as on a thermometer, measuring cup, or the like. determine the correct range for (an artillery gun, mortar, etc.) by observing where the fired projectile hits. plan or devise (something) carefully so as to have a precise use, application, appeal, etc.: a sales strategy calibrated to rich investors.

adverbto the degree or extent that; "insofar as it can be ascertained, the horse lung is comparable to that of man"; "so far as it is reasonably practical he should practice restraint"

Sunday, February 17, 2008

How much should an intern be paid?

Apparently, the editors at DETAIL think that 500 Euros a month is sufficient for a first-time intern's starting salary. Unfortunately, as an intern at an architectural firm here in the U.S., I made more than that in one week. Granted this internship would be in Germany and therefore ridiculously amazing, I can't help but feel like I'm getting jipped...

So. Over the course of the next few weeks, I am going to do a little research starting at the German Embassy to figure out a few things:

1. The average cost of living in German and what that means exactly.

2. How much an intern should be paid

3. Where and how I should go about finding housing

4. The best places to party in Munich.

Looks like I have my work cut out for me!

More later.


So. I found an internship for the summer at DETAIL Magazine, in Munich, Germany.

I am beyond excited, but also a little scared..

In case you didn't know, Germans are said to be... how should I say this... umm...

freakin' RACIST!

And considering the fact that I do not have blue eyes, or blonde hair, I think I have a right to be a little scared.

I also do not know ANY German. I mean, sure, I know "gazuntheit" or however the F you spell it, but I doubt that "bless you" will get me very far when some white guy is trying to put me in some camp because I don't look the same way he does.


Alright. So maybe they're not THAT racist, and I'm exaggerating a bit, and all that....

Anyway. So it should be amazing to work at a magazine.


I posted the pic on Arj's page and he didn't approve it.

WHAT A BUMMER. looks like he doesn't approve pic comments.....

Anyway.... Enough of that..

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Mission Accomplished!!

I saw Arj Barker perform tonight in San Francisco @ PunchLine Comedy Club.

it was SO AWESOME!!

But I am tired and a little tipsy.. so more later. But CHECK OUT THAT PIC!!! haha.. i <3 him.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

mia, back in action

Four years ago, my freshman year at college, I found out about an amazing artist, MIA, bought her album and was blown away.

Four years later, she is back, bigger and better than ever before, and finally OVER-GROUND!

Her music is amazing, she's friends with diplo, she's from sri lanka, and she's HOT. If you don't know by now, you may never know.

If it seems as though I'm a little obsessed with her, you might just be right.

Arj Barker.

Yes, back to Arj.

For those of you who remember, I myspaced him some time ago wondering if that was ACTUALLY him, and also if he wanted to meet up. Lame, yes, okay, but my roommates and I think he is HILARIOUS so I had to give it a shot.

Besides, what if he said yes?

Anyway, this weekend, Friday to be exact, we are going to see him perform LIVE. He is a comedian and I am beyond excited.


for tickets.

See you there!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Shoe!


At U.C.Berkeley, being a senior is a lot of work, but also a lot of fun. Especially when you're done with your requirements and are taking classes because you're actually interested in them.. Luckily, I qualify as one of those people, and I was fortunate enough to take a class with Galen Cranz, and amazing professor.

She is teaching a course on "body concious design" and this week, we had to design a shoe which was not anatomically harmful, yet was still culturally acceptable. Take a look at what I did :)

Anatomically Safe, yet Culturally Acceptable

In this day and age it’s tough to look good, feel comfortable, and be less harmful to the environment ALL at the same time. Luckily, with the new “sustainability” trend, everyone seems to be enthralled with the idea of any new item on the market which is recycled and not as harmful to the environment as it would otherwise be.

This new “shoe” (in quotes because it is more of a boot) is based on the fact that rain-boots, though necessary in the wetter months of the year, are not always the most comfortable. Personally, I have a very high arch, and none of my old rain-boots ever had any arch support, enough padding, and were always too cramped in the toe area for me to be comfortable for any lengthy period of time – lengthy meaning for over 10 minutes.

Therefore, the basis of my argument is that even when it is raining we should be able to be as comfortable as we would be in our favorite pair of flip-flops.

To make my point, I have:

1. I used my most comfortable pair of flip-flops. They have adequate padding, arch support, and are black – a very sexy color (I also happened to have bought them for a very small price from the men’s section at my local Target – just goes to show that if you want a shoe you can wear, you might have to venture a little further than you normally would).
2. I attached “bondage” in the form of yellow ribbon, so that they are more securely fastened to my foot.
3. I attached a recycled plastic bag to create the water-proof aspect which rain-boots provide.
4. Attached a ribbon near the back of the heel to give the boot some shape, creating “sex-appeal”
5. Used a ribbon at the top of the plastic to allow the boot to be adjustable. An elastic band would cut off circulation, and no one has the same size calf so the ribbon was to take away the generic, one-size-fits-all approach to life.

And thus, voila, I formed my shoe. Comfortable because of the generous support provided by “MOSS shoes”, and in-style thanks to the multiple recycled items used to create this beautiful piece of technology.

Rain, rain, no need to go away, I have my WPF-boots, and they’re here to stay!